Released Summer 1995Normal Records (Germany)
Click on a song title for lyrics and other information about that song. indicates the song has an audio sample. | |
1. | The Piston and the Shaft |
2. | Undertaker |
3. | Green Eyed Lady (by Sugarloaf) |
4. | Egg Danger |
5. | Quacky |
6. | Selections from "A Fistful of Dollars" (by Ennio Morricone) |
7. | Paul Borge |
8. | Chickens' Escape Plan |
9. | Chicken Keeper |
10. | 52 Girlfriends |
11. | White Box |
12. | Tunnel Tube |
13. | Release |
14. | The Soilie Smutchy |
15. | Mission's Eve |