Albums Track listings, cover art, and other information about TFUL282 albums. |
Compilations Compilation albums featuring cuts by the band. |
EP's Information about TFUL282's three EPs. |
Timeline A biography of the band. |
| Singles Info on TFUL282's five singles. |
Photos Photos of the band onstage and offstage. |
Show History A list of all of the band's live shows. |
Songs Audio samples, lyrics, and other information about all the band's songs. |
Tour Diaries Read journals of life on the road. |
Eavesdrop Listen in as the band attempts to make decisions via email correspondence. |
Links Interviews, reviews, discussion group, and more. |
Contact Us Send the band email. |
News |
06/18/24 The Funeral Pudding is being reissued on vinyl! Copies can be ordered from the Bulbous Monocle label on Bandcamp.
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10/22/23 Bulbous Monocle has released These Things Remain Unassigned, a 20 song collection assembed from singles, compilation tracks and unreleased songs spanning from the late 1980's through the early 2000's. The gatefold double LP, remastered by Mark Gergis, includes a 12 page booklet with lots of photos, flyers, and track by track notes from Mark Davies. Order it from the Bulbous Monocle label on Bandcamp.
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